The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois (2024)

THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 23, 1951. AUTO HITS POLE, BOX AND METER; ARREST DRIVER COLLEGE-DRAMA: HAS GOOD CAST, FINE DIRECTION Greencastle, binned all campus activities as- a rash of. chest accompanied by sore throats and muscular aches, spread through the student body. About 20 per cent of the school's 2,000 students were affected, officials estimated, A DePauwrLake Forest basketball game at Greencastle was canceled. An outbreak of 3-day flu hit Windsor, and at least xne death was reported.

1 i -J-T I -f I -i Jf- and brought to six the nations in-the current ground forces drive against the Chinese and- Korean Reds. Others are Americans, British, Australian, New Zealand (and South Koreans. The far western and far eastern sectors were comparatively quiet. Allied troops south of the thawing Han river near Seoul under some Communist artillery, tank and mortar fire. UN forces have made no large-scale assault on the now useless former South Korean capital.

i The current Red-killer offensive brings the UN line generally within 35 miles of parallel 38. Its aim primarily is killing Reds rather than taking ground. 1 Allied "naval vessels continued to pound both the eastern and western shores of the peninsula Thursday for the ninth straight day. UN UNITS WIPE OUT DEFENSE IN CENTERFUNE (Continued from First. Page) afterward the sector was reported quiet.

Also suddenly still was the area north of Chipyong, 20 miles west oi Hoengsong. There the second battalion of Canada's famed Princess Patricia regiment "swept easily through Red opposition astride the Seoul-Hongchon road west of Hoengsong. It the" first action 'of the Korean war for. the Princess Pats Thomas E. LaQura Faces Two Traffic Chart es After Accident Deep Are the Given by Augustan Speech Depart-: merit Is Stimulating.

at Curve. 1 GERMANS FLY FLAG. Hamburg, Germany (AP) For the first time since World War II German merchant ships today flew their national flag. West German Transportation Minister! Christoph Seebohm presided at ceremonies which placed the black, red and gold flag of the West German republic at the foremasts of German merchant vessels. Thomas E.

Lanum, 30. of 528 Twenty-fourth avenue. Rock Island, was arrested last night after his auto failed to negotiate a curve at Forty-second avenue and Ninth street and struck a telephone pole, broke a police call box, and smashed an elctrie meter. He was booked at the police station on charges of leaving the scene of an accident and driving while under the influence of liuqor. Lanum incurred slight lacerations on the face; in the accident.

'--i i -if-a AMERICA'S FINEST SUITS FOR SPRING Traffic mishaps; in Rock Island to date show: This Last Year Year Deaths Injuries SAFETY 1 0 34 36 FIRST! i Remember your right-of-way is not worth fighting or dying for! BY BELLE AYER. Proving once-again that quad-city audiences -need not rely on the professional theater for satisfying dramatic entertainment, the Augustana college department, of speech last night presented its second successful play of the sea-ison, "Deep Are the Roots." before a small audience at Longfellow school auditorium. Rock Island The play which features members' of Alpha Psi Omega and the Alpha Psi Neophytes will be prej sealed again tonight and tomor- row nights 1 at 8 o'clock. Dealing as it does with the insidious corruption of prejudice this drama by Arnaud D'Usseau and James Gow, a daringly appropriate choice for campus presentation during Brotherhood 3 week. The play, which enjoyed a successful run on Broadway in the 1945-46 season, Is a provocative rather than a great one.

Like many dramas dealing with a social theme it suffers from a weak and slow-moving third act in which the playrights are forced to extricate from a dilemma for which societyftself has found no BuJ. it 4s a thought-provoking idea and as played last night by a talented cast, directed with skill andimag- inatlon by Don Tornquist, it was stimulating entertainment. To his home in the deep south, Brett Charles, colored war veteran and winner of the distin- guished service cross, returns de-c'-termined to put to thtest the ideals for, which he fought in Italy. At home Brett finds the 'record of his achievements does not counteract the color of his skin in the minds of such hidebound southerners as, old Senator Langdon, in whose family service "Brett's mother, Bella Charles, has spent her life. React Differently.

MUSCLE DISEASE CRIPPLES siX BROTHERS The tragedy of 1 an incurable muscular dystrophy, has struck six times in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Baird, Philadelphia, Pa. Five of their six sons, all victims of the dread disease, are shon above, left to righU Walter, 17; Robert, 29; Joseph, 8 (foreground); Richard, .18, and Charles, 14. The sixth brother, 21, als affected, is not shown.

(AP wirephoto.) -it Xl I ii 4S mIF I CASEY FATHER Six Brothers in Philadelphia Get Muscle Ailment jPolice state tHat Lanum did not stop at the scene of the accident iand that they arrested him in his badly damaged car at Eleventh street and Forty -fifth avenue. Lanum was driving a 1941 model car south on Ninth street when the crash occurred. Lanum was fined i $100 and assessed costs in county court this morning after an information was filed there by the' state's attorney's office charging him with driving which for the most part are competently handled by the principals. As Genevra, Jahis Schrage turns in an appealing and nicely calculated performance. In.

the difficult key role of Brett, Geofge Sinkler acauits himself i with just 4- (Continued from First Page SUCCESSORTO MSGIUURKIN (Continued from first Page) right blend of diffidence and 6 7 'V if. 1 j- I The. senator's daughters, sym-f XK A suppressea emotion, ine pan. 01 Alice, a highly, emotional one, is unevenly played by Joann.P. Johnson, who rises to the dramatic requirements the third act in fashion.

For his portrayal of irascible old age, Arthur Larson deserves special commendation as the senator. In the role of the Yankee author, whose liberal views contrast' sharply with the southern point of Bill Morris makes, good use of a personable stage appearance, but a more forceful perfqrmance would bolster several pf the dramatic scenes. Character roles are excellently played by Gene Koskey as the jittery political aspirant; Effetta Davis as Honey Turner, the scatterbrained parlpr maid Lillian Noggins Harris as Brett's mother; and Clarence Meyer in a brief, but memorable appearance as Sheriff Serkin. Kenneth Larkin and Jim Hawley in bit roles complete the cast. i 2, 1900, in He attended Spalding high school in Peoria, St.

Viator's college in Bourbannis, I1L, and Kenrick seminary, St Louis. Ordained. May 29, 1926, in St Mary's cathedral, Peoria, he was appointed assistant at St. Catherine's parish, Aledo, on June 10 of that year. He Iwas appointed assistant at Immaculate Conception parish, Streatbr, Oct.

1927; pastor at St. Anne's, parish, Toluca, July 24, 1930; pastor of St. Malachy's parish, Geneseo, Jan. 5, 1 1939; and served in the navy, with the rank of lieutenant from Dec. 20, 1943, to 1946.

a vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. DISCTOSEUGIIT FLU CASES HAVE SWEPTJATION (Continued from first page) there and five' deaths were reported since' Wednesday. In New York, 35 student nurses were under treatment at Belle-vue nospital and several doctors failed to make their usual rounds. New York' Hit. New York health authorities said the! state! was 'suffering a mild with outbreaks of the disease in 12 widely scat4 tered counties, i Officials at Buf falo said they believed the disease y.

bols of a new generation, react in their separate ways to the problem of prejudice. Alice, the older, is a poised and headstrong i "intellectual," who fancies herself as a liberal thinker, until her beliefs, and prejudices are brought into violent opposition. Genevra, the younger, is an impulsive idealist, -who would protect Brett from injustice by siding With him and rejecting her white heritage because of its cruelty. The conflict of these ideals provides the play, with some highly emotional dramatic moments, .1: ENGINEERS TO HEAR EXPERT IN TALK ON NEW TRANSMISSION Dr. Gerald E.

Pratt, of Episcopal hospital, one of the few doctors anywhere who devotes nearly all his time to diagnosis; treatment and study of muscular dystrophy. Dr. Pratt said today the main reasons everyone who gets the disease dies of it is that "it has been kicked around and ignored by the medical profession as well as by the public." No one knows how a person gets the disease. Muscles become flabby and eventually stop functioning altogether. Then the victim becomes prey to such respiratory diseases as pneumonia and is too weak to resist.

Dr. PratVsaid some 200,000 in this countryisre known sufferers of the disease. "How many, more there are we can't know," he said, "because it is so often mis-diagnosed." Vy Dr. Pratt has been treating the Bairds for some time. Eleven years ago, the Bairds noticed that their second son, Robert, now 20, was walking unsteadily.

Dr. Pratt promptly diagnosed the disease and warned Mrs. Baird that it might strike her. other children, since the ailment is known to be hereditary. Eventually it did.

Gradually the disease afflicted Walter, 17; Richard, 18; Charles, 14; Joseph, 8, and William, 21. The Bairds' two daughters were spared. Dr. PratV said the disease rarely affects women, The disease is progressive. Muscles weaken by degrees.

So far only Robert has been so severely stricken that he cannot walk. Charles and Joseph go to school, although neither walks steadily, But, jDr.l Pratt 6aid, it is certain that each of the boys in time will be confined to a wheelchair and, at the age of 30 or 35, each will die. I j- In New York, the four Godfrey brothers await death from the same dread disease. They are George, 24 Roy, 21j Robert, 16f and Michael, 12. The mysterious- ailment first hit the Godfrey family 11 years ago, when Roy then 10 -was stricken.

The boys are the! sons of Mr. and Mrs. George Godfrey. The family occupies a 4 -room, fifth floor walkup on New York's east The father works nights as a waiter. Molina 415 1 5th Strett Rock Island 1816 2nd Avi.

THE LEADER 'Sheen Gabardines, M. deBlumenthal, assistant chief research engineer for the Studebaker corporation, will address the Iowa- was on the wane there, and au schools in Niagara county had re-; opened. Schools in tour towns in Erie county. New York, were- closed until further notice, and dozens' of schools shut down in Pennsyl-f vania and southern New Jhe illness swept through the ranks of the touring Israel Symphony orchestra at Denver, fore-, ing it to cancel teyeral engagements. -w j.

-t DRASTIC REDUCT10IIS! 35 and Clear 'Cut Worsteds by YORKSHIRE KINGSRIDGE JACI1ET SALE! VOLUME SALE! Illinois section, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tuesday eye-ning at the Harms hotel. Mr. will present an illustrated talk on the new fluid tramm ission. Dinner! Cleveland reported an "upward trend" in respiratory ailments since Monday, but medical authorities said the rise was not alarming. DePauw university officials at AND EAGLE 1 ev See the newtspring" models in rich color: blends and plain tones.

We have regulars, longs, shorts and stouts. the right size, price and model for every man. i mm Mi' Li MALLORY Aristocrat Quality scheduled for M. P. aBJumthi.

6:30 o'clock and the program will start at 8 o'clock. Mr. deBlumenthal has" been in charge of the Studebaker automatic transmission research and development program since 11946. His talk will describe the transmission, its history and the problems in its-development, He was graduated from Purdue university in-1933 and joined the Studebaker corporation in 1935 as a laboratory assistant. During the Second 'World war he served as a plans and training officer for anti-aircraft artillerymen, attain-ing the anfc major.

HATS $750 513 Surcoais $13 High! Jackets 7X5 Filmi for vry tat vry occation lJal movi rvic for hom, (chool, club, church. Cartoons 9 Musicals Sports News Soundics Comadiat 8MM-UMM SILENT SOUND Writ for fro catalog and low rental rates! PHHRosene vNftM cam aytavTMi) ve ca 11 the new spring! styles and colors are here. Sizes 6-a to including long Gabardines. 57.C3 $16 Gab. Surcoat I2.C5 CRASH KILLS GIRL.

Fort Knox, Ky. (AP) An auij tomobile trailer-truck sideswipe a school bus loaded with 30 children near here late yesterday, killing a 9-year-old girl and injuring 13 other pupils, state police said. ovals. GABARDINE TROUSERS "it i 'V a Up to $9.95 711 Colors and Sizes WINDSOR Tartan Check Gabardine 7A 1 TOPCOATS 'I At $1.50 HANTS Winter Set Short (Sleeve 'E'ii sie conDtmoY 55 V.J 1 1 Sport Coals ir. Drawers, irreg- 1.59 AH Cckrt At oJvrtlJ In ular.

$1.85 vaL Sri Etquir, I i 1 1 Select your' newi spring topper from these, good looking styles and fabrics. We have regulars, longs, and shorts in plain gabardines, tartan checks, window pane coverts and houhdstooth checks, all with convertible collars. Inter-llninrs can be had for these toppers for $10.75 additional. ms 10r Wool Shtrtt and Drawers 1 89c HANES SHORTS. Irreg- f50f' 512 I yf ulars lit Good, rich milk is our contribution to the healthy, active life of your family.

So, REACH FOR DOWNING'S GRADE "A' DAIRY PRODUCTSat your favorite food dealer. Availavle in glass or: paper .1 i y- -f (NO BOTTLE CHARGE) 'j-' 24th Street at 23rd Avenue Rock Island 75e HANES t'N'DER-SHIRTS. 1 1 WWW 1 1 i lJ Irrepilars Osbardina Surcoais with it 12.95 1703-11 Second Are- Rock Island! f-f Jl HANES T-SHIRTS. Irreg- 7f ulars.

The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.