Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (2024)

Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (1)



    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member

    April 1 edited April 1 in Social Groups

    April (2024)

    WELCOME to all walkers!

    Happy First Day of April! Yes, it is really true that it is time to start a new monthly challenge for April 2024!

    April showers will soon be bringing in the May flowers! Spring is here with some areas having more rain than usual lately, and for other areas just not quite enough. Regardless of your weather we can all make April another extraordinarily awesome month while we continue walking indoors, or out, during April.

    We will be heading into summer before we know it, so lets take advantage of the pleasant walking weather Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (3) . There are still so many possibilities and opportunities for a healthy year, no matter what this year has turned out to be for each of us thus far! Start overs are available each and every day, as well as each month here on the Monthly Challenge.

    Since it is already "officially" Spring then there may be some spring flowers to see on our walks outdoors as the seasons change. Then getting out to walk your miles will ensure that we don't miss anything such as spring flowers, and perhaps some beautiful flowering trees. Raining??? Then having Leslie's, or other walking/ workout DVDs or to stream or find on YouTube, continues to be a great alternative to walking outdoors. Walking outdoors can still be an important part of fitness walking this month, when possible, for those who enjoy walking some miles or minutes walking outdoors whatever the weather might be outside.

    This group is open to any and all walkers. The majority of us use Leslie Sansone Walk At Home DVD/ or streaming workouts, as well as those great walks or hikes outside on the trails or pathways that are available to us, or a walk in our neighborhood, and on the treadmill.
    There are also some really fun and interesting "walks" to be discovered on YouTube.
    All of these options count toward our miles and minutes. However you get your walk in, come on in and join us! Post your miles or minutes that you have walked, however you did them!

    We are a happy, supportive group, and I hope that this challenge will motivate, challenge, as well as inspire you!

    Set your personal goal for how many miles or minutes that you want to walk, indoors or out, this month. This is your own personal goal Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (4). Post your results daily, weekly, or whenever you like. It is such an encouragement to read each others' posts.

    If you find this challenge in the middle of the month it doesn't matter which day of the month that you join in. Just set your goals to reflect what you want to walk for the remaining days in the month. You are always welcome Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (5) !
    So, if you are new to the group please feel free to start today so that by the end of the month you will be that much closer to your health goals. It is never too late to join in

    Tie up those walking shoes and get some water, and let's start walking !

    It is always fun to read about your walks, whether outdoors or on the treadmill or anything in between. We all could use some new inspiration sometimes. So please share your workout with us.

    Come on in and let us start walking the Monthly Walk Challenge together. Join us for yet another amazing month together, and we are awaiting the opportunity to welcome newcomers to this month's Walk Challenge!

    And now... let us lace up those walking shoes and get some water... as we begin to walk into April! Can you believe it Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (6) . It seems like we blinked and winter is gone and Spring is here. So join us as we turn yet another calendar page... and walk our way to a Happy and Healthy April. No fooling Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (7)

    Let us continue through 2024 by walking strong and with the determination!

    texasgardnr 🌺🦋🌷

    • Deeder522 Posts: 1,002 Member

      April 1


      April Goals

      Miles tracked: 70
      Apple Challenge: Close all my rings 8 times.
      Earth Day Challenge: TBA

      Welcome April! I would like it if April brought more stable weather but they are calling for snow on Wednesday. We are supposed to have a warm-up after that. Warming temp also means getting back to taking care of the house on the outside.

      As far as exercise, I'm not sure which direction I'll end up taking. I know I'll still be doing walks and weights, but my ankle is still a little iffy, so step aerobics is probably out for a little bit yet.


    • 1PoisonIvy Posts: 879 Member

      April 1


      Hi! I am a TX gardener too btw.
      I am just starting back and have a simple goal to walk 3x week min.
      Which averages out 90 miles for the month of April!
      Enjoy those flowers, as the bluebonnets in my yard are in full bloom!Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (10)


    • Deeder522 Posts: 1,002 Member

      April 1


      Welcome, @1PoisonIvy. I look forward to you joining in this month.
      Those flowers are lovely. I only have daffodils bloom right now.

      I'm jumping back in tonight to record my 1-mile walk this afternoon. It was a breezy 53℉ but I got it done along with some stretching at the Fitness Court.


    • zichab Posts: 1,446 Member

      April 2


      April Goal: MWF-3 mile walk: T-Leslie Video Firm 30: Sa or Su-4 mile walk F+ Sa or SU: Rest Days: Exceed last month's 88.0 miles
      April 1-WAP-2 Mile Brisk Walk Miles:
      Welcome @1PoisonIvy! Unlike you or @deeder522, we only have a few shoots of daffodils and tulips showing (about 2 inches) and they will be covered on Wednesday with 10-14 inches of snow! :noway: I know it is April, but winter wants to make up for our snow-less February and is going to dump it all now.The 8" we got from Mar 22-23 finally melted day before yesterday, so I guess we need a refill! Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (13)
      I have started out already missing a goal. Honestly, it is so aggravating. I had too much to do today because I am going to be out all day tomorrow and 30 minutes was all the energy I had for Leslie, so 2 miles is better than 0 miles right? I also have a goal of drinking 32 oz of water each day and I did it today so there's that. :blushing:
      I am hoping to get back in time tomorrow with enough energy to do Firm 30, but if not, looking at my schedule, I will do it on Friday. Already April is messing me up! :bigsmile:


    • Deeder522 Posts: 1,002 Member

      April 2


      Today, I ran errands which was good that I got things done but bad that it involved more driving than walking. However, I didn't end up in the drive-thru at any place so I'll take that win. Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (15)
      Water intake is always a struggle for me. I think I'm supposed to be drinking 90oz a day. I usually have tea every morning so I get 10-12 oz there but struggle after that. Although, this does remind me that I should reorder my Ultima electrolyte drink mix. Not b/c I'll drink more water but at least I'm getting the minerals I need. 🤷🏼‍♀️

      I'll try and sneak in a workout of some sort tonight.


    • zichab Posts: 1,446 Member

      April 4


      April Goal: MWF-3 mile walk: T-Leslie Video Firm 30: Sa or Su-4 mile walk F+ Sa or SU: Rest Days: Exceed last month's 88.0 miles
      April 1-WAP-2 Mile Brisk Walk: Miles 3.9: Total Garmin Miles: 3.9
      April 2-Rest-Miles 2.1: Total Garmin Miles:6.0
      April 3-WAH-iWalk Strong: Miles:
      OK, I had to take a rest day on Tuesday because Dennis and I had the best day and we came home and talked and talked! No time for workouts! :laugh:
      In early 2019, Dennis had 2 bladder tumors removed and he has been on a 3 or 6 month recheck ever since. He had one more little tumor removed in 2020, so they put him back on a 3 month recheck and in 2022, he had been clear so they went to a 6 month recheck. It has been a worry every time we have a recheck, but his bladder has been tumor free since 2020. Yesterday at his recheck, which was clear, his urologist said, "I see no reason to continue 6 month rechecks, so I will see you in a year!" We were so happy, we went out to a fancy Lake Placid restaurant and had wine with our lunch!!! We know they can always recur, but being on a 1 year recheck has been our goal since 2019! Color us happy! Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (17)
      In the afternoon, Dennis had an appointment with his Orthopedic surgeon and now that his heart issue is resolved and he is off the anticoagulants, he is being scheduled for knee replacement surgery! He has been in pain for so long that he can hardly believe that it is going to be done and he will be pain free next year this time! He is over the moon happy! It does not get much better in our life than yesterday that is for sure. Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (18)
      We're on tap for 16-22 inches of snow tonight into Friday. It rained all day and the wind inverted our trees it was so strong. We have not lost any so far. I just checked and there is about an inch of snow outside now, so apparently the snow is here. Hopefully, we keep power. :bigsmile:


    • Deeder522 Posts: 1,002 Member

      April 4 edited April 4


      I'm so happy to read all your good news, @zichab. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you keep power through this next snow event. My NY friends, texted me this morning asking if we had snow. Told her, no, we just had freezing rain/rain. She informed me she had 8 inches and sent me a pic of one of the dogs just sitting in her backyard while the snow came down. I told her, she moved in the wrong direction. 🤣
      The storms have done a doozy on me
      and I've taken more rest time than I had wanted. I'm hoping to get back into something tomorrow.


    • zichab Posts: 1,446 Member

      April 5


      April Goal: MWF-3 mile walk: T-Leslie Video Firm 30: Sa or Su-4 mile walk F+ Sa or SU: Rest Days: Exceed last month's 88.0 miles
      April 1-WAP-2 Mile Brisk Walk: Miles 3.9: Total Garmin Miles: 3.9
      April 2-Rest-Miles 2.1: Total Garmin Miles:6.0
      April 3-WAH-iWalk Strong: Miles 4.0: Total Garmin Miles: 10.0
      April 4-WAH-3 Mile Power Walk: Miles
      We actually lucked out with the snow as we have about 8 inches, which is a far cry from the 16" they predicted. Thanks for the finger crossing @deeder522 as we only lost power for a few seconds and that happens every time the wind blows. Limbs hit the power lines and temporarily interrupt the electric flow. Our Modem and digital clocks do not like it, but our antique wind up clocks could not care less! :laugh:
      I HATE freezing rain. It is the worst! everything gets coated with ice and trees fall over and poles fall over and it is a mess. You can't drive in it and it serves no purpose at all that I can see. we need to ban it!!!! :explode:
      I actually feel pretty good. I am not sticking exactly to my plan, but I have done 3 workouts anyway so that is on track. I am planning to get in 5 workouts this week one way or the other!! I can't wait for Dennis' knee surgery so we can walk outside together. Apparently with his knee rehab, he is going to be walking A LOT! :devil: He is looking up hikes that are fairly level so we can do some easy hikes this summer for the first time in 4 years! Things are looking up! :bigsmile:


    • Deeder522 Posts: 1,002 Member

      April 6


      Yesterday, I tried to go for a short walk and ended up in a 45-minute conversation with the neighbors. It took a while for me to thaw out when I got back inside.
      Today, it was a better walk the temps are near 60, and the sun was out. I've switched up my listening for walking and I'm on the 2nd book in a trilogy of Hockey Romance. A little light listening when I'm pounding the pavement. 😊

      My kid fixed my kitchen aid and I plan to put it back into service tomorrow to make muffins for the week. I have a GF vanilla muffin mix that I plan on throwing some fresh blueberries into when I make them.
      We've pretty much cleaned out our tiny chest freezer. I'm looking at filling it up with some beef & pork from a local rancher. I'd buy part of the animal but there are a few cuts we wouldn't use.


    • Deeder522 Posts: 1,002 Member

      April 7


      The temperature gauge fooled us into thinking it was warm out. We managed 1/2 mile walk in the wind. 😝
      We're ready for tomorrow's Eclipse. I was able to pick up "glasses" at our local library.


    • Deeder522 Posts: 1,002 Member

      April 10


      We got to watch the Eclipse as a family. The kid got home just before reaching its totality for our area, about 94%. It was remarkable how the temperature dropped during the event. I was standing where the sunlight was but there was no warmth from it.

      I'm not sure how but I completed all my rings yesterday without an intentional workout.
      Today, a little over a mile at the Park. The sun's out and the temps are up in the mid 60's


    • zichab Posts: 1,446 Member

      April 11


      April Goal: MWF-3 mile walk: T-Leslie Video Firm 30: Sa or Su-4 mile walk F+ Sa or SU: Rest Days: Exceed last month's 88.0 miles
      April 1-WAP-2 Mile Brisk Walk: Miles 3.9: Total Garmin Miles: 3.9
      April 2-Rest-Miles 2.1: Total Garmin Miles:6.0
      April 3-WAH-iWalk Strong: Miles 4.0: Total Garmin Miles: 10.0
      April 4-WAH-3 Mile Power Walk: Miles 4.0 Total Garmin Miles: 14.0
      April 5-Rest-Miles 2.5: Total Garmin Miles: 16.5
      April 6-Friends for dinner: Miles 3.4: Total Garmin Miles: 19.9
      April 7-Stress Headache: Miles .7: Total Garmin Miles: 20.6
      April 8-Total Eclipse: Miles 2.3: Total Garmin Miles: 22.9
      April 9-Rest-Miles 1.5: Total Garmin Miles: 24.4
      April 10-WAH-2 Mile Power Walk: Miles
      Well things got crazy here from Thursday on!!! We live in a heavy second home area and friends started calling us on Thursday about traffic, where we were going to view the eclipse, asking us to turn on the heat in their houses etc. We had people in for dinner, people who stayed in our house since their heat did not work etc etc etc. It was madness. They were all surprised we still had snow!!! Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (25) We were in the path of totality or a 100% solar eclipse and I do not know why I did not think about everyone we knew who would be coming up here to watch it! I guess I assumed everyone was working and watching from where they lived!!! Silly ME!!!! :laugh: Anyway, we had a great time and I am glad we had just gone shopping and had a freezer and pantry full of stuff for dinner, breakfasts and snacks!
      We were supposed to go to the Wild Center to see it, but we could not get there with all the traffic. There were over 3000 people here and the population of our town is only a little over 2000 so the traffic was awful. When Dennis came home from his cardio rehab at 9:30 AM, traffic was bumper to bumper trying to get into the Wild Center, so we said the heck with it and set up in our own driveway (the only place we do not have trees!) and had a great view. It was wonderful to see a 100% solar eclipse at least once in my lifetime. Our temperature dropped from 58 to 49 once it hit about 93%. It was cold and very dark!!! Thank goodness for the snow as some light reflected from it. :blushing:
      It is starting to warm up here finally. It made it to 58 today but is dropping back to 38 tonight. It is raining almost constantly for the next 4 days ... gotta love that! :ohwell: Dennis is making noises about not keeping the fire going much longer which is a sure sign it is getting warmer. Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (26)
      Tomorrow we are heading to Lake Placid for lunch, shopping and groceries so I am not sure if I'll get to my workout or not, but I will be back on schedule on Friday for sure. Til then, I am sooooo jealous of your Kitchen Aid!!! I am going to have to break down soon and get one, or bug Dennis until he gets one for me! :bigsmile:


    • Deeder522 Posts: 1,002 Member

      April 11


      Last night I met up with a friend for dinner at a local taco place and we split a 20oz bucket of Margarita. I came home and was in bed before 10 pm. Luckily, I slept through most of the night and am no worse for the wear today.
      Today it was raining all day and more for tomorrow. It was also a day of DR appointments so I'm behind on my rings.
      Tomorrow, is a light day so I may lay out my workout clothes and get it done 1st thing in the morning.


    • Deeder522 Posts: 1,002 Member

      April 12


      So we ended up with a Wind advisory for the day. So my exercise was running around after we lost power to get the house up on the generator. 😕 Our ETR is 1 AM so it should be a fun night. At least Ry had the forethought to fill a bucket so we have water for the toilets. Country live is grand at times. 😜


    • Deeder522 Posts: 1,002 Member

      April 15


      April Goals

      Miles tracked: 35 / 70
      Apple Challenge: Close all my rings 8 times. 7/8x
      Earth Day Challenge: TBA

      Happy Tax Day. I paid my federal taxes this morning, and we got your state refund last week. So I'm all good until next year.
      Saturday, we did some Spring cleaning. Our township has a trash day where we can bring extra items we don't want but won't fit into the regular garbage bins. We can throw them into huge dumpsters at no cost to the residents. My son and I started prepping what we wanted to throw this year. We've been doing this consistently for 4-5 years now. We've made a lot of progress on cleaning.
      It was a warm Spring day yesterday with temps into the 70s. I took a walk around the farm, and Ryan did 3 laps on his bike.


    • zichab Posts: 1,446 Member

      April 16


      April Goal: MWF-3 mile walk: T-Leslie Video Firm 30: Sa or Su-4 mile walk F+ Sa or SU: Rest Days: Exceed last month's 88.0 miles
      April 1-WAP-2 Mile Brisk Walk: Miles 3.9: Total Garmin Miles: 3.9
      April 2-Rest-Miles 2.1: Total Garmin Miles:6.0
      April 3-WAH-iWalk Strong: Miles 4.0: Total Garmin Miles: 10.0
      April 4-WAH-3 Mile Power Walk: Miles 4.0 Total Garmin Miles: 14.0
      April 5-Rest-Miles 2.5: Total Garmin Miles: 16.5
      April 6-Friends for dinner: Miles 3.4: Total Garmin Miles: 19.9
      April 7-Stress Headache: Miles .7: Total Garmin Miles: 20.6
      April 8-Total Eclipse: Miles 2.3: Total Garmin Miles: 22.9
      April 9-Rest-Miles 1.5: Total Garmin Miles: 24.4
      April 10-WAH-2 Mile Power Walk: Miles 3.4: Total Garmin Miles: 27.8
      April 11-Luch out with Dennis Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (31) : Miles 1.5: Total Garmin Miles: 29.3
      April 12-Lazy: Miles 1.4: Total Garmin Miles: 30.7
      April 13-See April 12: Miles 1.2: Total Garmin Miles: 31.9
      April 14-See April 13: Miles 2.0: Total Garmin Miles: 33.9
      April 15- WAH-1 Mile Happy Mile: Miles:
      This has not been a great month for me and goals that is for sure! I need to get back on it! The only reason I got 2 miles yesterday is I had to take the trash AND the recycling out! :laugh:
      I am so sorry you guys lost power in that wind. I thought for sure we would, but we didn't. Our trees were virtually inverted and we have a ton of branches to clean up, but we kept power through the whole thing.
      Dennis paid our taxes the first of April and we have to pay estimated taxes this year as well. Being retired is such a pain when it comes to taxes. Some money is taxable, some isn't, the feds tax things the state does not and I had a full year of SS, which messed things up even though I had taxes taken out. I do not mind paying taxes, but I wish it was more standardized!
      I think my lazy mood is all this rain we are getting. Snow I love, rain I could do without! We are heading to Plattsburgh tomorrow for my perio appt so it will no doubt pour! :grumble: The good news is Dennis got a call today and they are scheduling his knee surgery for June and maybe sooner! Color him happy! :bigsmile:


    • Deeder522 Posts: 1,002 Member

      April 16


      I did 2 Miracle Miles this morning.
      It's a lovely sunny day again but we did get a red flag warning today and a wind advisory for tonight. Any yard work will wait a few days since we are supposed to have rain tomorrow.

      My Dad ended up getting $6 back from Feds but more from state. I'm convinced that no one knows the tax codes and they make things up as they go along.

      Fingers crossed that Dennis's knee surgery date holds and you guys can move into the healing journey quickly.


    • Deeder522 Posts: 1,002 Member

      April 18


      Last night, I went for a walk around the farm. I intended just to do 1 lap but ended up doing 2 instead.
      Today, I ran errands instead of a workout.


    • Deeder522 Posts: 1,002 Member

      April 19


      Today's workout was 1st thing this morning. Burn Body Fat 1 Mile with Leslie. I forgot how much arm work is in that 1 mile. My arms are glad we didn't do any more miles. 😝


    • zichab Posts: 1,446 Member

      April 19


      April Goal: MWF-3 mile walk: T-Leslie Video Firm 30: Sa or Su-4 mile walk F+ Sa or SU: Rest Days: Exceed last month's 88.0 miles
      April 1-WAP-2 Mile Brisk Walk: Miles 3.9: Total Garmin Miles: 3.9
      April 2-Rest-Miles 2.1: Total Garmin Miles:6.0
      April 3-WAH-iWalk Strong: Miles 4.0: Total Garmin Miles: 10.0
      April 4-WAH-3 Mile Power Walk: Miles 4.0 Total Garmin Miles: 14.0
      April 5-Rest-Miles 2.5: Total Garmin Miles: 16.5
      April 6-Friends for dinner: Miles 3.4: Total Garmin Miles: 19.9
      April 7-Stress Headache: Miles .7: Total Garmin Miles: 20.6
      April 8-Total Eclipse: Miles 2.3: Total Garmin Miles: 22.9
      April 9-Rest-Miles 1.5: Total Garmin Miles: 24.4
      April 10-WAH-2 Mile Power Walk: Miles 3.4: Total Garmin Miles: 27.8
      April 11-Luch out with Dennis Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (36) : Miles 1.5: Total Garmin Miles: 29.3
      April 12-Lazy: Miles 1.4: Total Garmin Miles: 30.7
      April 13-See April 12: Miles 1.2: Total Garmin Miles: 31.9
      April 14-See April 13: Miles 2.0: Total Garmin Miles: 33.9
      April 15- WAH-1 Mile Happy Mile: Miles 3.6: Total Garmin Miles 37.5
      April 16-Traveling for appointments: Miles 1.8 Total Garmin Miles 39.3
      April 17-Cooking for neighbors who came home from SC: Miles 2.5 Total Garmin Miles 41.8
      April 18-LAZY!!!! Miles 1.0 Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (37) : Total Garmin Miles: 42.8
      There has been a lot going on this month, but in all honesty, I have also been so darn lazy! It's making me nuts! Today, I changed it up and moved my workout to 1 PM instead of waiting until after dinner. I do not like it, but I think I am going to have to move it to the early or late afternoon because it is too easy after dinner to say, "I'm too tired to workout" or "I'll work out after this second glass of wine," which, of course, takes until 10:30 PM to finish. :ohwell:
      You are doing really well with those morning workouts. I tried mornings once before and ended up giving up, but maybe I need to try again now that I am "older." :laugh: I always had trouble because I could not work out on an empty stomach and I couldn't eat for at least an hour after I woke up. Both things used to make me sick to my stomach, but it might be different now. I'd love to work out on an empty stomach or with just a granola bar as it would be much better for my day to get it over with early! I may try it again.
      I have that DVD and the full title is Burn Body Fat and Sculpt Your Arms and she is not kidding!!!! I have not put that one in rotation yet because I know it will kill me. Props to you for getting through a mile of it! Leslie Sansone April 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge (38)
      I can't wait for Dennis' knees to be fixed so we can hike. I miss being on the mountains and trails. We'd also like to get the plethora of sticks picked up that fell down this winter before his surgery, but it will not stop raining!!! The lake is over our neighbors dock the water is so high. The snow melt barely raised it at all, but this rain is unrelenting. If you do not hear from me in the next couple of days, I may be building an ark!!!! :bigsmile:




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    Author: Arline Emard IV

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    Author information

    Name: Arline Emard IV

    Birthday: 1996-07-10

    Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

    Phone: +13454700762376

    Job: Administration Technician

    Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

    Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.