How to completely remove Sonic Suite and Studio - Windows 11 (2024)

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How to completely remove Sonic Suite and Studio - Windows 11 (2024)


Can I remove Sonic Studio? ›

Remove Sonic Studio III completely by going to Windows Key > Windows Settings Icon Settings > Apps and uninstall Sonic Studio III. Then restart Windows.

How do I uninstall Sonic Radar 3? ›

You can remove it via Windows Store apps in Windows 10 control panel, or just open the Sonic Radar 3 and untick "Radar" "Signals" "3D Pointer" and also under settings - games untick all the games and you should be good...

What is Sonic Studio Virtual Mixer? ›

Sonic Studio Virtual Mixer is a sound reverberation feature that depends on the motherboard it is on and the corresponding driver to run it properly, Microsoft does not provide these, so you need to contact ASUS for more help.

What is Sonic Suite 3? ›

Sonic Studio III is an audio suite that offers multiple audio controls, ranges from Smart Volume, Bass Boost, Treble Boost, Voice Clarity, Reverb and Surround. Surround is dedicated for 2-channel headset and offers one of the best virtual surround technology for gaming.

How do I disable Microsoft Sonic? ›

Replies (1) 

Here's the step on how to manage the Windows Sonic. Please click Start menu and type Control panel, look for Sound and doubleclick your speaker then select the Spatial Sound tab then on that page, you can turn off the Windows Sonic for Headphones and hit Apply then OK.

What is the point of Sonic Studio? ›

Sonic Studio comes with advanced sound algorithms and virtual surround effects to enhance the listening experience whether you are watching a movie, listening to music, playing a video game or communicating with your friends.

What is Sonic Radar 3 for? ›

For those that don't know what it is: It's Asus program that adds sound radar overlay to the game that will show the direction where sounds like footsteps and gunshots come from.

How do I uninstall Scarab? ›

Method 2: Uninstall Scarab Darkroom via Apps and Features/Programs and Features. Look for Scarab Darkroom in the list and click on it. The next step is to click on uninstall, so you can initiate the uninstallation.

What is the purpose of a studio mixer? ›

This is an electronic device used for mixing, balancing, and combining different sounds and audio signals, sources like microphones, instruments, and synthesizers, or previously recorded audio. The adjusted sound signals are then sent to the output, which is then transmitted and amplified using a sound system.

What is Realtek audio? ›

Realtek High Definition Audio Driver is the most popular sound driver for Windows systems, and it helps manage surround sound, Dolby and DTS sound systems on your computer. You need this driver for your audio device to even work on the PC – so uninstalling it would create serious audio errors.

How to enable Sonic Studio audio effects on this device? ›

Replies (11) 
  1. Click on the Windows button, type Settings and open it.
  2. Go to System tab.
  3. Choose Sound > All sound devices > Choose the device (in your case the Sonic Studio.
  4. Click on the (>) symbiol to go to its properties.
  5. Scroll down to Audio enhancement and choose Device Default Effects.
Oct 29, 2023

How to install Sonic Studio 3? ›

Go to Settings > Update & Security > For developers > click to enable Developer Mode ON and close the window. Now go to UWP_BUNDLE folder and run INSTALL_UWP_BUNDLE. bat as administrator. This will install Realtek UWP panel and Sonic Studio 3 app on Start menu.

Where can I download AI Suite 3? ›

How to Install AI Suite 3
  1. Go to the Asus download center.
  2. Enter the model name of your device.
  3. Select Driver & Utility.
  4. Download AI Suite 3 from Utility.
  5. Once the software is downloaded, you can extract the files, and open AsusSetup for installation.

Can I uninstall a volute? ›

You can navigate to the first location by browsing to C:\Windows\System32. Select the A-Volute folder and delete it. There may also be other nahimic files in System32 such as C:\Windows\System32\NahimicService.exe which may also be worth deleting.

Can I delete AI Suite 3? ›

AI Suite 3 Cleaner is a tool used to quickly and completely remove AI Suite 3. If users need to remove AI Suite 3, it is recommended to use AI Suite 3 Cleaner to remove it.


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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.